Interface to the Micro-line FAX (ML::Fax) service.

Allows a client application to send, receive and monitor FAX transmission and

The following interfaces are provided:

- ML::Fax::archiveFaxInfoGet() - return FAX info for specified FAX file, as
  returned by ML::Fax::archiveFaxList(), ML::Fax::archiveFaxNewest() or
- ML::Fax::archiveFaxInfoSet() - set FAX info for specified FAX file, as
  returned by ML::Fax::archiveFaxList(), ML::Fax::archiveFaxNewest() or
- ML::Fax::archiveFaxList() - return list of archive FAX file names, ordered
  by increasing date/time, for the specified date/time range inclusive
- ML::Fax::archiveFaxNewest() - return name and date/time of newest file in
  the FAX archive
- ML::Fax::archiveFaxOldest() - return name and date/time of oldest file in
  the FAX archive
- ML::Fax::authenticate() - validate authentication token returned by
- ML::Fax::del() - delete FAX file from ML::Fax server
- ML::Fax::get() - retrieve FAX file from ML::Fax server
- ML::Fax::groupInfo() - retrieve group information from ML::Fax server
- ML::Fax::jobInfo() - return state of a FAX previously submitted via
- ML::Fax::login() - authenticate with ML::Fax service
- ML::Fax::logout() - logout from ML::Fax service
- ML::Fax::printerInit() - retrieve printer initialization data from ML::Fax
- ML::Fax::privInfo() - retrieve user privlege information from ML::Fax server
- ML::Fax::put() - transfer FAX file to ML::Fax server for subsequent
  transmission via ML::Fax::sendFax()
- ML::Fax::received() - list contents of ML::Fax received queue
- ML::Fax::sendFax() - submit FAX for transmission

The client application should first call ML::Fax::login() to login to and
authenticate with the ML::Fax service.
An authentication token is returned that must be passed into all other ML:Fax
An authentication token has a limited duration and the client application must
be designed to handle the failure of an ML::Fax
function due to authentication expiry by re-authenticating via the
ML::Fax::login() function and using the new authentication token.

All ML::Fax functions (except ML::Fax::login()) expect the authentication
token as the first parameter.

All ML::Fax functions return a return code and message as their last 2

The return code has the following values:

- "OK"    - ML::Fax function performed the requested function
- "ERROR" - ML::Fax function did not perform the requested function due to an
  underlying application or OS problem
- "AUTH"  - ML::Fax function did not perform the requested function due to an
  invalid or expired authentication token
- "PRIV"  - ML::Fax function did not perform the requested function due to
  lack of privilege for an otherwise valid authentication token

Note that a return of "AUTH" implies that the application must re-authenticate
via ML::Fax:login()
while a return of "PRIV" implies that the authentication token is valid but
the user name associated with the last ML::Fax::login()
does not have the privilege to perform the requested function.

The message contains information that provides additional information for the
return code.
Typically the message will be logged by the application.
The application should never depend on the contents of the message staying the
same for a given ML::Fax function and return value.
For a return of "OK" the message may contain log or trace information.
For a return of "ERROR", "AUTH" or "PRIV" the message may contain addition
information on the error condition.

All received faxs are stored in TIFF Class F format.

The ML::Fax service will deduce the format of files at transmission time.
The following file formats are supported for transmission:

- PostScript document text conforming at level 3.0.

A PostScript file is converted at transmission time to TIFF Class F using
the GhostScript PostScript language interpreter.

Any fonts not defined in the PostScript document are rendered using local
GhostScript fonts,
so the transmitted document may not exactly match the same document viewed on
the client system.

- TIFF Class F

multi-page document,
Resolution: 98 pixels/inch (normal) or 196 pixels/inch (fine),
Image Width: 1728,
Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 3,
Bits/Sample: 1,
Samples/Pixel: 1,
Group 3 Options: EOL padding